Why you shouldn't Judge anyone by their Skin Colour.
Whether Black, White, Brown or whatsoever, We are all The Same, Back when I was in Nigeria, I always thought like the White Behaves Different from We the Black, Forgive my Ignorance.
Until I travelled to Hong Kong, Then I was Shocked that we(Black,White and Brown) Look the Same, We Talk they Talk, They Smile We Do,They do Sport Activities so do we, They've got two Hands we do, They've got Eyes we do, They've got Two Legs we do and I have come to a Discovery that We're all Humans no difference. We all Got Features, like They Walk with their Legs and we do too, They Can't Fly Same Applies to Us,If they could Fly then I'll prolly not write this.
My point is That we're Equal and with all this being said (With The points above) That sounds like Human to Me and Not an Alien.
Sometimes when there's a Robbery going on, People Quickly ask " Is it a Black Person"? wtf...
In my Mind I Say Anyone can Steal something either Black or White, Because we're both Humans. People also Ask why is he so Black? Not only in Asia but also in other Part of the World, People are Black because of the Amount of Melanin they've ,Forgive their Ignorance.
It was also When I got to Hong Kong that was when I found out about a Word called "RACISM" I swear I have never heard that word before until Now.
But when you've got Money everyone wants to be your Friend and You're respected!
They say Money earns Respect and it's so true because I've experienced it.
When I look around and Just see People Black, white , Brown. I just Smile because they are in this World for a Purpose, They are put in the World for Something.
"Don't try to be GOD".
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