Are you discriminated because of your Skin Colour? Read This

Trust me I understand how you feel when you get on a bus and no one wants to sit next to you.

I understand how you feel when you walking on a Street and People just look at you Weird.

I understand how you Feel when you go to the Bus stop and everyone just Leaves.

I understand how you feel when no one talks to You, No one wants to be your Friend Trust me I have gone through this.

"When I first got to Hong Kong I didn't have Friends, Although People talked to me when I go to the Soccer Field to play Football, In fact, A kid even wanted to be my Friend, We exchanged Contact and then started Talking until I stopped hearing from Him. so Did he Disappear? No, He Didn't.
   He just wants to stop talking to me for reasons known to him Only". But back to the "I Understand how you Feel" because I really Do.

I can relate to how you feel when you Walking down the Street and you See Someone coming over to your Direction but suddenly Turns back and Go to the Opposite direction because of they are Afraid.

I understand how you feel when you see parents telling their kids to not Go near you because you're Dark skinned but in reality they are just raising those kids to be Cowards No offense but that's the Truth, Kids have Pure Souls, they are not Afraid of anything, but their Parents Instil "FEAR" into them and think it is the Best way to Protect them but sadly these kids grow up to be Socially Awkward and Cowardly Individuals.

I Understand how you feel when you go check out a House (For rent) But the Landlord doesn't want You to rent it because You're Black and he / She says to They don't want Black people to be their Tenant, SMH.

I understand how you feel when you get into a Bus and someone you sit next to gets up and Go find another sit, How Dare them?

"But never You feel sad, just Consider it as a Motivation, prove them wrong That "the Blacks" they Surmise in their Minds, is not the Blacks we are!
You're a King and You're a Queen Act Like one".

Stay Positive!


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